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5 DIY Practice Commands while Walking your dog!

Learning is better when it’s fun!

Here are 5 commands you can practice while on a walk. They are easy to follow through and gives you a reason to reward your dog. Routine & Consistency makes learning fun and easier for you and your dog.

  1. “COME”

    Before you begin your walk, you need to put on your dog’s leash. That is a perfect time to practice “COME”. Want to teach your dog to “COME”, here is a quick tutorial “COME Command” to do so.

  2. “SIT”

    This is great to practice at stop lights and street corners. As you approach every light and street corner have your dog “SIT”, then you can reward them and continue the walk. “SIT Command” is easy to teach, here’s how!

  3. “STAY”

    Teaching your dog to “STAY” is an important command to learn. Sometimes dogs are not aware of all the danger around, from cars & trains to bikes & scooters. Just having them learn “STAY” can be beneficial if there’s ever an emergency. Learn how to teach your dog the “STAY Command” here.

  4. “LAY DOWN”

    This is usually one of the first commands a dog learns. It is a great idea to practice commands that your dog may already know. This helps to build their -confidence. Learn how to teach your dog the “LAY DOWN Command” here.

  5. “PAW”

    This command is great for greeting! Dogs sometimes jump on people to greet them or if they are excited. This is a great alternative. You can teach your dog the “PAW” Command and take care of this problem once and for all. 

Now that you know what to do… Let’s make the next walk more fun than ever before! Take treats along with you (or you can praise your dog for a job well done)! Pay attention to your energy and how you are feeling. A calm and relaxed feeling is the best way to pursue this! Be aware and enjoy the time you have together!

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