I am a new mom of 2 little boys, Jackson 6 months and Jazz 3 years old. I am a mom, an entrepreneur and a dreamer at heart. Yes, I said it, I am a dreamer at heart. I take daily walks just to watch the trees sway in the wind and watch the beautiful view of the hudson river from the manhattan side. I listen for the birds to be assured that life is so much larger than the challenges that face all of us. I am tickled every time I see my boys laugh or hear them smile and I know no matter what is going on life is still magical and oh so sweet.
Growing up I definitely wasn’t your typical black girl from Washington heights. Every summer I was shipped off to Vermont for sleepaway camp where I enjoyed swimming in the lake, bonfires and cold, damp walks from the cabin where we stayed to the shower house where there was always a daddy long leg lurking in the corners. I rode horses at Claremont Riding Academy, located on the upper west side of manhattan as a teen. I shopped at Millers for my chaps, saddle pads, breeches, helmets and crops for my upcoming equestrian competitions. At the competitions my family and I would be the only black family there but it never bothered me, I just loved to ride and thrill of the sport.
I was an only child growing up and despite having lots of cousins who were always around, my pets were my first best friends. I guess I learned a lot from my relationships with them. Like taking life as it comes and being okay with just being with me. They provided a shelter from a sometimes cruel world, with them they just loved me for me. I always knew my destiny lied with them, I just wasn’t sure of exactly how. After working at the ASPCA as a pet tech in the adoptions area I realized that I needed to help keep families together by being there for their new four legged family member when their families couldn’t. 15 years later I still believe in helping one another and the magic that comes with the special relationship one has with their four legged family members. Despite the challenges that come with being a mom, a dreamer and an entrepreneur I wouldn’t change it one bit.